Gadgets I own! (a.k.a. old crap that cost me 2 bucks)
Man oh man do I love me some funny and useful doodads to play with every now and then! Some of them I even use on the daily which is either concerning for my mental health or concerning for society at large (because all of them have in common the NOISEtm they make).
Apple "very mortal nugget" iPod
This absolute tragedy of an iPod is a very modded 7th gen that is on the brink of death all the bloody time. Its logic board was smashed with the power of a thousand suns once and im too broke to replace it so it faulters. It has new (and cheap) memory and battery parts but they don't fix the main RAM issue so... I don't use it daily but its nice to have in the car!

Disc "Noise Man" Man
This loud pizza looking doohickey is great. It has endured falling an entire meter from a vehicle moving at 30 km/h and still works to this day, so much so its the main way I listen to music while outside (but since that's a rare occurance it isn't that big of a deal). The thing is very much tired of hearing La Polla Records and Ilegales because for the 3 years I've had it the thing has only been playing those bands and the same 4 albums I consider my favourite (if you wanna know, check out the music page!)

Toshiba "Cheap Shit" nb100
This netbook, hailing from 2005, has a genuine windows xp install on it with its corresponding key as well as an assortment of unique bloatware that make it about as fast as toaster trying to boil water... So yeah it isn't fast per say. I used to use it to format my mp3 but ever since that exploded and i got an iPod it became irrelevant and so it was left in a bookshelf for like 7 years. To this day it still has no use other than being nostalgic and cool and having a minecraft beta downloaded on it.

Nokia "Flippy" 2720-a Fold
A "as cheap as it gets" flip phone right outta 2009. I have 2 of them, or rather had as for half a year I used one of them as my daily driver and it got lost somewhere in either southern spain or im between my dad's car's seat cushions, as both places are deserted and godless and unreachable I've proclaimed it a sunk cost. It was fun for a time though, took bad pictures, hard as a rock, had snake on it, overall a solid phone for 2009 (and 2023 with the right mindset).